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Columns - Walls - SidesConcrete wallDouble MeshFormsFoundationHighway SignsIdentificationIndustrial FlooringLeveling of SlabsPolesPretensionRibbed Slabs (EPS)SafetySlabs - Floors - Beam bottomTile LevelingTransfer barTransport - StorageTrusses - Fence postsTubes and Staves

Model MNP + PNP

Tile Leveling

Easy-to-use tile leveler made up of two pieces that must be used together. PNP is used to align ceramic and porcelain tiles, providing a uniform joint, preventing displacement of the pieces.

The MNP is threaded into the PNP, providing leveling of the ceramic and porcelain tiles, avoiding misalignment, guaranteeing a very high quality finish.

*MNP is reusable and sold separately*

Model MNP + PNP. Tile Leveling.

Images merely illustrative. There may be variations in shade and color.

Product usage

Usage. Use. Practical usage. Model MNP + PNP
Usage. Use. Practical usage. Model MNP + PNP
Usage. Use. Practical usage. Model MNP + PNP
Usage. Use. Practical usage. Model MNP + PNP

Technical drawing. CAD. Model MNP + PNP.
Technical information
PNP 101,0
PNP 151,5
PNP 202,0
PNP 252,5
PNP 303,0
PNP 404,0
*Measurements in millimeters.